Monday 7 February 2011

Day 179, Experience

Day 179, Somewhere along the way, unbeknownst to me, a change has occurred. It is probably not due to any single reason but suddenly I’ve found myself the voice of experience. I suppose it is not unnatural to expect that at some point I would start contributing and not just learning from others here, but it just happens that it has crept up on me.

The turnover of doctors with a few old hands having moved on in typical Mseleni fashion, and new blood having replaced them is a major factor. I felt this most this week when we were left short on doctors and I was asked to go and help with the circumcision operating list. It transpired that one of the new doctors joined me and he hadn’t done the procedure previously. It was quite a strange experience as I am innately not surgically minded, but I turned into the surgical demonstrator.

Of course outside of work I have also found myself in a role of being experienced. On a weekend trip away to a nearby lake side lodge I found myself pointing out various landmarks and explaining routes to areas that until recently were completely alien to me. It was not that long ago that it was I who was listening attentively trying to fathom this foreign land and contemplating how it would ever be possible to become familiar with.

Perhaps what really brought home the fact that I may actually be having a positive effect out here was manifest in the most clichéd of scenarios. Checking in, the receptionist at the lodge looked somewhat familiar but I didn’t really think much of it. After a quad biking trip through the coastal forests I was about to check out when she asked if I recognised her. I replied that I didn’t and she said, “You saved my life”.

She went on to explain that she had been in Mseleni with a chest infection a while back and that I had treated her. I vaguely recalled her being quite sick and for the first time here it dawned on me that the patients I help actually go on to live productive lives. As amazing as speeding on a quad biking along dirt tracks was, it was the little cliché that gave me the warmest buzz.

Though I am constantly learning new things here and often still feel as I am leeching off the experience of others, it is satisfying to know that what I do has a genuine effect on real people. At least that’ll help me get through the rough days.


  1. Aww - the last few paragraphs gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling.
    Sounds like you're doing great out there!
