Sunday 17 April 2011

Day 253, The L Word

Day 253, Suddenly everybody is finding it. I cant seem to go two days without hearing about someone else finding it. I don’t know why it seems so important, it’s never really bothered me before.

I think the media is significantly to blame. They are always hyping it up and make it seem as if not finding it makes you incomplete. Advertising certainly has a role to play, and their use of peer pressure enhances the idea that without it you are a failure.

I’m not sure I really expected to find it during my time in Africa. Of course I knew I would be in situations that may make it favourable but it seems that it is so often a matter of chance. Even if you have people who are trained to find it for you, there is no guarantee. You can spend all your effort and time in pursuit of it and then one day you’ll be walking along, and there it is in front of you, it had been there all along.

I have yet to decide if it really is something that I want to find or whether it is something I feel I ought to have found. It is hard to tease out the reality of the matter and it doesn’t help to see others so happy to have found it.

I suppose at the end of the day it will be simple twist of fate that will eventually, if ever, lead me to it. I can be happy in the knowledge that at least I have done my part and put sufficient effort. Perhaps it is the anticipation, the pursuit and the not knowing if I will ever find it that is the most enjoyable part.


  1. You know what I saw in Whitechapel the other day? A leopard!!! Figure that...
    P.S. You are incomplete even if you do see a leopard.
